Master Course in Penoplasty

Upcoming Courses

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Master Course in Penoplasty, Upcoming Courses

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Master Courses & Fellowships

We provide a balanced mix of practical and theoretical materials, where more than 80% of the course time is dedicated to surgery and supervised hands-on training, with a constant focus on safety.

Master Course in Penoplasty

We provide intensive, experiential learning, practical courses focusing on clear step-by-step demonstrations and hands-on training.

What is IAP?

The International Academy of Penoplasty (IAP) is the largest penoplasty subspecialty organization in the world and it is dedicated to the standardization and perfecting of the penile lengthening and girth enhancement surgical techniques.

Before & After Gallery

Penoplasty delivers real and permanent results. We carefully select cases in order to familiarize you with the different anatomies you will encounter in your practice.

The IAP Network

Master Course in Penoplasty. After Retraining.

Testimonial After Retraining by Nikolaos Kolistas, MD.

IAP Testimonials

Media & TV


Blumar Medica

viale Vittorio Veneto, 14
20124 Milan (Italy)


Clinica MySelf

via Isonzo, 32
00198 Rome (Italy)

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